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Fortra 2023 Security Week

Proactive Cybersecurity: The One Place Where “You’re Being Offensive” Is a Compliment.

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Where “You’re Being Offensive” Is a Compliment

Cyber attackers are often portrayed as evil masterminds, but the truth is that most attackers are looking for the simplest wins. So, what’s the best way to reduce your risk against threat actors? In addition to having reactive solutions and processes in place, organizations should take a proactive approach, placing many obstacles in an attacker’s way to make it too labour intensive to bother pursuing. In this session, you’ll find out how to be offensive — in a good way! Learn how to incorporate proactive strategies and solutions into your cybersecurity program, enabling your organisation to better anticipate attacks and push back against threats.

Improve Compliance And Accountability In Your Organisation.

Fortra’s cybersecurity and automation offerings give your organisation the tools you need to meet the challenges of today’s threat landscape.

Having a vulnerability management programme is a critical part of maintaining compliance and reducing the risk of both internal and external attacks.

Vulnerability scans and reports pinpoint which vulnerabilities are present. Penetration tests add additional context by actually exploiting these discovered vulnerabilities.

Fortra’s vulnerability management solutions help locate, analyse, prioritise, and track security weaknesses so you know what needs to be protected.

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