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Offensive Security

         Gain threat detection solutions, monitoring malicious activity.

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Find your Organisation's Weak Points.

Fortra’s cybersecurity and automation offerings give your organisation the tools you need to meet the challenges of today’s threat landscape.

Having a vulnerability management programme is a critical part of maintaining compliance and reducing the risk of both internal and external attacks.

Vulnerability scans and reports pinpoint which vulnerabilities are present. Penetration tests add additional context by actually exploiting these discovered vulnerabilities.

Fortra’s vulnerability management solutions help locate, analyse, prioritise, and track security weaknesses so you know what needs to be protected.

Core Impact

This tool is targeted at pen-testers and is an exploitation framework. This competes in a similar product category to Metasploit.

It is a workbench with a reporting engine, complete audit trail and exploits that massively speed up the work of a pen-tester. It includes network level exploits, phishing attacks and web application exploits, plus other tools like ransomware simulation.

Advanced Bundle - Core Impact & Cobalt Strike

Integrations with other Fortra solutions

Core Impact and Cobalt Strike are two powerful tools that help organizations assess the security of their environments. This PDF provides an overview of the key functionalities of each of these tools, their similarities, and how they can be used together to amplify your pen testing efforts.

Cobalt Strike

This is the industry-leading Command and Control (c2) infrastructure. This is used by most red teams (plus most malware) because of its power and EDR evasion technology.

Outflank Security Tooling (OST)

OST is a set of 20+ tools that perform things that red team members want to do.These range from a Sharpfuscator (hides C# executables from AV/ERD), to Hidden Desktop (an OPSEC safe implementation of hidden Virtual Network Computing), to Stego Loader (embeds a payload in a picture file) and so on.There are monthly webinars where the tool is discussed in detail. There is a recording of the April session here or I can get you an invite (they are only available by invitation) to the next one.Several of the individual tools are discussed, with demos, click on this page.The full set of tools is covered in this PDF, an OST summary sheet that you can download.

Learn about the powerful tools that are part of the Outflank toolkit.

Integrations with other Fortra solutions

OST was developed to work in tandem with Fortra’s advanced adversary simulation tool, Cobalt Strike and automated penetration testing solution, Core Impact.

Red Team Bundle

Cobalt Strike and OST can be bundled together, enabling organisations to benefit from red teaming tools that seamlessly integrate with one another. This PDF overview provides details on the key functionalities of each of these solutions and how they can be used together. 

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