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Invicti application scanning using a scalable, multi-user web application security solution.

A Web Application Scanner

A complete on-premise vulnerability management solution.

Invicti is a scalable, multi-user, web application security solution with built-in workflow and reporting tools.

When your business expands, the scope of your security requirements expands as well. Invicti application scanning can help address those growing pains with different products that meet the needs of small to large businesses

Obtain a comprehensive view of your web security posture that can be integrated within your SDLC., a market leader that combines cutting-edge technology with an excellent user interface.

invicti logo

Invicti - A single platform for all your web security needs.

Designed to keep your business one step ahead of attackers. A web vulnerability scanner that makes it easy for security teams to pinpoint critical issues and assess the potential consequences.

Invicti doesn’t need extensive IT security knowledge to operate, it combines cutting-edge technology with an excellent user interface. The application explains the errors that are causing the vulnerabilities so that a security team can eliminate them.

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